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Showing posts from 2021

How to select Zendesk ticket status?

Suppose you are employed by the  CompanyX  but working on  CompanyY 's support project using Zendesk. So below table would help you to get an idea regarding the logic behind setting the Zendesk ticket status. Ticket status should be When response/action required from Open Agents of  CompanyY  support team Pending Requester or customer On Hold CompanyY  engineering team Solved No one You can set any of the above status while submitting a response or after updating the details in the ticket.

How to overcome proxy on command line?

​​Introducing Proxima , by which you can set proxy for that particular session of command-line window. It authenticates command line program running over corporate proxy. So this program can be used to set proxy over command-line that usually required on company's networks. Although the session gets expired once you close the command-line window.  As it is compatible to Windows 10, so follow these steps to setup/install. Installation Unzip the  zipped file Copy the  proxima.bat  file Paste it inside  C:\Windows\System32  path Execution Here is the sample output for  proxima help  command C:\Users\kumarab>proxima help Proxima ver 1.0 Copyright 2018 Abhishek Kumar. Licensed under GNU GPL v3. Usage: proxima [username] [password] Example: proxima kumarab abc123 proxima kumarab abc_123 Note: Avoid using @ or : in your password Using _ would be most suitable for password Done!

Recording screen with VLC player on windows

If you are curious as to how you can start recording your screen using VLC here are the steps involved in finding the record option for your favorite shows. 1. Open up VLC media player and use the view tab to select the advanced controls that you will need to start the capture. Go down to the media tab and then click on the open capture device option. You can also press control + C with the media tab open to do this quickly for recording. This will open up the media dialog box. 2. From the media dialog box you can click the capture device to choose whether or not you would like to pick out capture from a webcam or from your desktop. Set the desktop as your desired capture mode and then you can simply pick out the ideal capture rate for your desktop device. 3. VLC will not automatically record audio or voice. Dou can add voices in the show more options menu however. Be sure when selecting your capture device that you also make an effort to choose the correct frame rate for your projec...

Transferring files via Suxm - micro web-server

Suxm  is a micro web-server meant to serve locally and is very fast web-server that will make use of full capacity of your system.  It is very useful in coding & development because you don't have to install any other static server apart from this; specially if you are working on any client-side app. Download portable app Suxm_linux_x86-64.tar.bz2 Suxm_macos_x86-64.tgz Install on Windows Download Unzip it Double click on  setup.bat  file Open command-prompt app & run  suxm  command to check if it is installed successfully Install on macOS Download  Suxm_macos_x86-64.tgz Unzip it Open  Terminal  app Go to the unzipped  Suxm_macos_x86-64  folder Run command,  sh Open another tab & run  suxm  command to check if...

Git Branching Models

In Git repository you can use branching models to define a branch workflow for repositories. When you map your workflow to repository branches with a branching model, admins can guide developers to name branches consistently by configuring which branch types to make available. There are a number of branch types available, and several branch types have default branch naming prefixes (described below). You can also specify your own naming convention for each branch type. A consistent naming convention makes it easier to identify branches by type. Branch types Bitbucket Server comes with several types of branches that are frequently used in software development. This section explains what each branch type is for, and has the typical naming convention for the prefix for each branch type. The prefix can be changed for each branch type. Development branch Usually the integration...

Quick troubleshooting steps for any web-portal

Most of the time, we face some issue while loading a web portal. So here are few general purpose quick troubleshooting steps for any web-portal, which you may try Check console errors via Web Inspector Make a note of cookies stored for the webpage. Try clearing browser cache, Try relaunching the web page on new window.

Templates for JIRA

Fill required details in place of <> in the template Filing JIRA Use the below template while filing JIRA: Lab info Lab: <Server name> e.g., NA productions Loads: <Server load> eg., CPaaS 2.1.4 <Browser with version> e.g., Chrome Version 72.0.3626.121(64-bit) Timestamp: <Date and time in EST> e.g., March 17, 2019 8:10-8:25 PM EDT Setup: e.g., URL: Account: Password: Test@123 Steps: <Mention all the steps in number bullet points> Actual Result: <> Expected result: <> Reproducible: <Yes/No with comment> e.g., Yes, but with trial accounts only End User Impact: <Adequately  assess  the  impact  of this issue on end-user> e.g., It would heavily impact the performance of call under specified scenario Frequency: <occurance rate> say., 100% Fault Isolation: <If you know which module the fault is> otherwise say., None Validating JIRAs Steps to verify: Login t...

Summary of Zendesk legends and terminologies

  Total solved tickets Solved status indicates the agent has submitted a solution. So total number of tickets marked as Solved refers to total solved tickets within certain duration. Solving a ticket and understanding how it is closed Once you've resolved a requester's support issue, you change the ticket status to Solved, using the Submit button as described above. This should mean that you're done with the ticket and that the requester is satisfied with the resolution you provided. However, a requester can reopen the ticket after it has been set to Solved just by responding back and adding a new comment. For example, perhaps the requester disagrees that their support issue was resolved or that something new occurred that invalidates the fix. After you set a ticket to Solved, the next status change is to Closed. However, you can't manually change a ticket to Closed; it is set to that status via a predefined business rule called an automation. An administrator creates a...

Free online Text to Speech converter

 I tried few free online tools and found this site  for free text to speech conversion because it's generated audios looks quite close to actual voice. So I tried "Thank you for calling A T and T. How may I help you?" as sample text, and got this  audio file  generated with  Alice  voice. Another  audio file  with  Daisy  voice seems similar to Google's voice. So I think we can use this tool to generate customised audio messages. Now we need to focus what messages we need to put. Note: Try the text in phonetic form to make sure correct pronunciation.

Explained Zendesk Ticket Types

There are four values for type: Question, Incident, Problem, and Task. While the field can be blank initially (and through any number of updates), once you change the field to a specified type, you can't change it to blank again. Setting the type helps you to categorize your tickets, which you can then use in your workflow. For example, you can create views of tickets by their type. Question  is used to indicate that the requester's issue is a question rather than a problem that needs to be solved. Incident  is used for occurrences of a problem that affect more than one person. For example, if the wireless network in an office stops working, the problem will probably generate several support requests. Instead of handling each ticket separately, create one ticket describing the problem and set the type to Problem. Next, link the incident tickets to the problem ticket. When you solve the problem ticket, all of the linked incident tickets are solved too. Problem  is used to ...

Explained Zendesk Ticket Status

There are six values for status: New, Open, Pending, On-hold, Solved, Closed. A ticket's status can be set and updated either manually by an agent or automatically via your business rules. A ticket's status cannot be changed to Closed manually however; that is handled automatically via your business rules. New  means that the request was received but that it has not been opened and has not been assigned to an agent. The New status can indicate that the support team is evaluating it to determine who should be assigned to resolve it. After changing the status from New to another status, you can't change the status back to New. Open  means that the request has been assigned to an agent who is working to resolve it. Once a ticket status changes to Open, it can never return to New. If your tickets are being created in the Open status instead of New, see  Why is my New ticket being created in Open status?  in our Support Tech notes. Pending  means that the assigned ag...

How to take action at Zendesk tickets on-hold?

Suppose you are in the CompanyX and working on CompanyY 's support project using Zendesk. To find out what action you need to take over those on-hold tickets (Zendesk), please follow these steps Open each on-hold ticket one-by-one Look for the associated JIRA ID, because if it is on-hold then it must be waiting for response from 3rd party where in our case 3rd party is CompanyY 's engineering team Watch the status of that JIRA ID If it is closed, then read the last comment and act accordingly It it is not closed, then skip it & move forward Add public reply / internal note based on comment & status of the associated JIRA

Creating a Github account for particular project/client

Suppose you are working in CompanyX and you have got project from CompanyY to work upon. Alternatively, it means CompanyY have outsourced a project to CompanyX . Usually in these scenarios, CompanyY asks the CompanyX 's team to create new GitHub accounts specifically dedicated to this project. So in that case, it would be best practice to create accounts with common prefix which represents the CompanyY in some sense, where you may use short-form of project or CompanyY name, e.g., comy . The other part should represent the team members' name but should hide the identity of that person as well. For this you may follow the steps given below for creating an account on Github, that would be dedicated to CompanyY Go to . Register an account with the user-id, specifically made for CompanyY User id should be  comy- <  first 2 characters of your  firstname  ><  first 2 characters of your  lastname  >. e.g., Peter Park...

GitFlow based branching strategy for your project repository

Branching strategy We are following  GitFlow  as the branching strategy and for release management. You can install gitflow extension for your current git CLI from  here . The central repo holds two main branches with an infinite lifetime: master develop The  master  branch at origin should be familiar to every Git user. Parallel to the  master  branch, another branch exists called  develop . We consider  origin/master  to be the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a  production-ready  state. We consider  origin/develop  to be the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release. Supporting branches Next to the main branches  master  and  develop , our development model uses a variety of supporting branches to aid parallel development between team members. The different types of branches we may use ...

Workflow for releasing projects at GitHub

This workflow will describe all the necessary steps that you need to follow to release a project. It is targeted for those projects where more than one members are contributing in the project because that will require a standard workflow that will keep the quality in check at each level. So try to follow the steps as mentioned below, where a repository have been taken for sample. First you need to setup the codebase on your local machine Create a clone of the repository git clone Get inside the repository folder cd sample-ios Refer this article  GitFlow based branching strategy for your project repository  to learn more about the gitflow mechanism of handling a project Enable git flow mechanism on the current repository git flow init -d It is required to be done by each contributor Checkout develop branch git checkout develop Copy & paste all the code in this folder from previous repo Update .gitignore file by adding file/...

How to validate USA address?

As the AT&T is using API to validate addresses in their input fields. So the right way to validate the address is to use the same API. You can validate the address here , it will show the line info, city, state zip etc. Zip in ATT portal is 5 digit only, unlike the new zip codes where block info is also added (the one you see after -.. ) is not available.

How to log hours in JIRA tickets?

Usually we need to log hours on the ticket we are working upon. So please follow the below steps to do that. Step 1 Click on  More  tab & select  Log work . Step 2 New popup appear like this Fill in  Time Spent Fill in  Date Started Fill in  Work Description Click on  Log  button to submit Step 3 Make sure you observe the change in right-hand-side Sidebar like this Note: Once this section appear, you can open  Work Log  directly by clicking on the plus button. You can view your entries under  Work Log  tab beside  Comment  tab, which you can edit as well. You can also log hours for your past days also, in case you miss that.

Simple but effective Test report template

It would be easier for us to track the bugs or test scenarios that you found or tested, if you could present that in the form of table with pass/fail status and feedback/remark. So you can make use of the below template for accumulating or sharing the test result. Sr. No. Test Scenario Expected Result Actual Result Status (Pass/Fail) Remark 1           2          

How to record video via VLC player?

You can do easily by enabling the Record feature go to “View -> check “Advanced Controls” configure the playback speed you want press on the “Red dot” above the play controls to start recording press on “play” to start playback” press on the “Red dot” again any time you want to finish recording video will be recorded with the current playback speed and will be saved under “This PC/Videos/vlc-record-xxxxxxxx” for Windows 10 if you want more control on converted/recorded video you can use Reference:  Robert Hopkins's answer to How do I save a video with a changed playback speed in VLC?

How to convert JIRA story into sub-task or defect?

Many times we entangled in the situation where we have made a  story  in JIRA but later on realised that it should have to be  defect  or in other case,  sub-task  of another  story . Story → Sub-task So the workaround for converting the story into defect is given below: Open your  story Click on  more  option Click on the  Convert to sub-task  option in the dropdown You would be asked to choose  Parent  story, so chose relevant story After submit, your  story  gets converted into  sub-task Story → Defect Now if you want the story to be converted into defect, then you should first convert it into sub-task. Thereafter, you can convert that sub-task into defect as given below: Open the  sub-task Click on  more  option Click on the  Convert to issue  option in the dropdown You would be asked to fill up relevant fields required for raising a  defect , fill them up as required A...

How to use Github repository in SSH mode?

It is preferred that you use SSH to check in code. You will need an SSH key associated with your GitHub account to do this. You can follow the guide created by GitHub , or the steps below. The following steps are for MacOS. Follow the guide linked above for other operating systems. Generate an SSH private-public key pair. Open a terminal on your machine and enter ssh-keygen -t rsa You will be asked where to save the key. The default ( ~/.ssh/id_rsa ) will suffice. You will be asked for a secure passphrase. If you enter one, you will be asked for this phrase every time you commit changes. Be sure to remember it. Add the newly generated private key to your SSH agent. Use the following command. ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa Add the newly generated public key ( ~/.ssh/ ) to GitHub. Go to your account settings and select "SSH and GPG keys". Press "New SSH key". Give your key a meaningful title (i.e. your computer's name or "Work Laptop") Copy the publi...

How to change tomcat port number?

You can follow these steps to change Tomcat 's port number Go to tomcat → conf folder Edit server.xml Search " Connector port " Replace "8080" by your port number Restart tomcat server. That's it! Reference: java - How to change tomcat port number - Stack Overflow

How to do Inventory check via Material Tracker?

The  Material Tracker  is a web based application to manage inventory of a team, project or company. Now, here is the process to do Inventory check using Material Tracker app Step 1: Select Accounts tab Step 2: Select a User from list that will open Account Details of that User, click on Issued button icon (highlighted in skyblue color) located at sidebar header Step 3: You'll get the list of all the issued items to that User, click on Mail it button to send Inventory check mail to them

How to install Prettier extension in Visual Studio Code?

Prettier  is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. Installation Follow the steps mentioned below to install the Prettier extension in your Visual Studio Code (VSCode). Steps to install Prettier in VSCode Validation Now to validate if Prettier is working, open any file that it supports like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc. and look for it's name at bottom right corner of the VSCode. Sign of Prettier extension is loaded Recommendation To avoid conflicts of beautifiers, disable or uninstall any other beautifier extensions that supports the same file formats. Official link For more details visit

Preferred Prettier configuration for JavaScript/ECMAScript

For JavaScript based apps,  The code must be formatted with the Prettier engine with the following configuration prettierrc file (YAML) arrowParens: avoid bracketSpacing: true insertPragma: false jsxBracketSameLine: false printWidth: 120 proseWrap: preserve requirePragma: 'false' semi: false singleQuote: true tabWidth: 2 trailingComma: none useTabs: false The code must be linted with the standardjs linter: Recommend using prettier-eslint plus the appropriate plugins to get both standard and eslint processing done at the same time. Here is the configuration we use for prettier-eslint: .eslintrc.yml . This will give you both prettier and standard configuration that adheres to the above. Prefer simple functional style over class heavy designs

The best Full Page Screen Capture extension for Chrome

I have seen that you are sharing multiple screenshots of a single conversation because you conversation history is longer than screen height. So to overcome this issue, there is very useful utility tool in the form of chrome extension that could capture whole page at once. Please install this Chrome Extension for taking full page snapshot at once on click of a button. You can download the snapshot as pdf or png and share across. Link: Full Page Screen Capture - Chrome Web Store Full Page Screen Capture extension is amazing! I am Chicago based award winning designer. I am doing market every day. Going deep is what make me create great value and results for my clients. Great part of that research is scanning the web pages. Before the "Full Page Screen Capture" it was a nightmare to scan hundreds of pages.

How to record screen using FFmpeg Batch software?

Usually we all might have noticed that it is always useful to record a video by capturing screen rather than showing or teaching the same thing again and again to different people. With this we might have also faced lots of restrictions in installing the right tool. Also when we search over Internet, it becomes difficult to find out the free and portable version of the software that won't get restricted over our official laptops. So to overcome these issues I'm providing a great tool to record your screen along with / without audio. It is FFmpeg Batch AV Converter which is actually using a open-source command-line tool FFmpeg . So first download it from . Then unzip it inside  Program Files  directory or similar kind of directory where your other programs reside. For example, I put it in  Programs  directory that I made for portable programs.  Now go inside the  FFBatch_2.1.5_Linux_Wine  directory, select the  FF...

How to correctly format README files?

The README files are generally made in markdown syntax which you can learn from these links for Github : for BitBucket : ​​​​​​​ As markdown syntax is pretty much flexible, so many times same text renders in different way on various platforms. This happens because most of the people make very common mistakes while creating the markdown files. Those mistakes may not get visible on their local editors but become clearly visible when the markdown file gets hosted on popular code repositories like Github, Bitbucket, Azure, etc. So to overcome this issue it is recommended to use some kind of markdown linters which force creator to use standard syntax while making markdown files. For the same purpose, I have found quite impressive linter that we should use. So to use it, you can copy the content of README file int...

How to write git commit message like a pro?

Usually most of the people write vague commit messages in their git repository. So let me give you a way by which you can write a commit message like a pro. First of all, you need to think about the changes you have made in the repository. Then you'll get 3 questions: What changes have been made? Where those changes have been made? Why have you made those changes? Now, let's see each one. What? This refers to the actual code changes but each commit shows those changes by default in git repository. So we don't need to describe it. Where? This refers to the file in which code changed but each commit also show the list of updated files in git repository. So we don't need to describe it. Why? This refers to the reason due to which we have changed the code which can't be explained by git repository. So we should always need to describe it. Conclusion We don't need to describe what changed or where changed but why changed.

How to link commit message with JIRA ticket?

Always prefix your commit message with your JIRA ID for tracking purpose, no matter if you are committing in the feature branch or not.  Linking git commit messages from Jira tickets is important for several reasons, such as: It creates a traceable link between the code changes and the Jira issues, which can help with tracking the progress, status, and history of the project. It enables the developers and the stakeholders to see the branches, commit messages, and pull requests related to the Jira issues, which can improve the communication and collaboration among the team members. It allows the developers to easily reference and navigate to the Jira issues from BitBucket, which can save time and effort. It ensures that the code changes are aligned with the requirements and expectations of the users or clients, which can enhance the quality and performance of the software products. Template JIRA-ID : Your commit message will come here Figure 1: Template for commit message Example K...

The '', an alternative of 'ngrok'

What is ngrok? ngrok is a cross-platform application that enables developers to expose a local development server to the Internet with minimal effort. The software makes your locally-hosted web server appear to be hosted on a subdomain of , meaning that no public IP or domain name on the local machine is needed. Problem with ngrok Usually ngrok CLI tool and URL are blocked on corporate systems. Although there are many alternatives of ngrok but all of them requires their specific CLI tool to be downloaded but those fails to pass through corporate network. Most suitable alternative of ngrok Now we have got as the best alternative of ngrok because of no specific CLI tool is required to be downloaded. How to setup To setup you need to generate SSH key and add it to the ssh-agent. Follow this article, Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent to do that. How to use Open the folder which you want to...