For JavaScript based apps,
- The code must be formatted with the Prettier engine with the following configuration
- prettierrc file (YAML)
- arrowParens: avoid
- bracketSpacing: true
- insertPragma: false
- jsxBracketSameLine: false
- printWidth: 120
- proseWrap: preserve
- requirePragma: 'false'
- semi: false
- singleQuote: true
- tabWidth: 2
- trailingComma: none
- useTabs: false
- The code must be linted with the standardjs linter:
- Recommend using prettier-eslint plus the appropriate plugins to get both standard and eslint processing done at the same time. Here is the configuration we use for prettier-eslint: .eslintrc.yml.
- This will give you both prettier and standard configuration that adheres to the above.
- Prefer simple functional style over class heavy designs
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