Instead of using, very + another word, you can always find a single word that's more precise, descriptive and elegant.
For example, excellent = very good
For example, excellent = very good
List of A to Z words with 'very' and equivalents
- very able = proficient
- very boring = tedious
- very confused = baffled
- very dirty = filthy
- very easy = effortless
- very funny = hilarious
- very glad = overjoyed
- very happy = ecstatic
- very interesting = fascinating
- very joyful = exuberant
- very kind = compassionate
- very large = huge
- very mad = demented
- very nasty = obnoxious
- very old = ancient
- very painful = excruciating
- very quite = hushed
- very rude = boorish
- very shy = timid
- very tired = exhausted
- very ugly = hideous
- very vicious = malicious
- very wicked = evil
- very xenophobic = jingoistic
- very young = juvenile
- very zen = meditative
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