If you are reading this blog then you might be be searching for an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to develop Cordova or Phonegap applications on Android platform. So you have come at the right place.
So, how do we acheive that? Well, you need to follow these steps:
So, how do we acheive that? Well, you need to follow these steps:
- Download latest ADT from this link: Get the Android SDK
- Install it of your development machine
- Open it up
- In menu bar go to the Help → Install New Software...
- A popup window appears, in which you need to click the Add... button
- A small sub-popup form appears, that you need to fill as:
- Name: WTP
- Location: http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/repository/juno/
- Click on the Ok button after filling up the form
- After closing the sub-popup form, a list appears in the table, where user is suppose to check the items that they need to install. To configure it for Cordova you would require editor for HTML, JS, CSS, XML, so first select the Web Tools Plaform (WTP) 3.4.2
- Now check these items:
- Eclipse Web Developer Tools
- Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
- Exlipse XSL Developer Tools
- JavaScript Development Tools
- Web Page Editor
- Since the Next button would have been enabled until now, so click on the Next button to proceed
- After it would download the selected items, you need to click on the Next button on Install Details screen
- Then on Review Licenses screen, you need to select the 'I accept the terms of the license agreement' radio button
- Click on the Finish button to complete the process
- A small Installing Software popup window appears to show you the progress of installation.
Now, try to open any web based file with extension as .html, .htm, .js, .css, .xml to verify if the WTP installed successfully or not. You might have to select a proper editor from the right-click context menu of the selected file.
Nice blog.