Understanding the base conversion Base conversion is the process of converting a number from one base (or radix) to another. A base is the number of digits or symbols used to represent numbers in a particular system. For example, the decimal system (base 10) uses 10 digits (0-9), while the binary system (base 2) uses only 2 digits (0 and 1). To convert a number from one base to another, you can first convert it to decimal (base 10) and then convert that decimal number into the desired base. There are also direct conversion methods between some bases, such as binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Introducing the base99 conversion system A base99 conversion system would use 99 distinct symbols to represent numbers. For example, you could use the digits 0-9 and the letters A-Z (lowercase and uppercase) to represent the first 62 symbols. You would then need to choose an additional 37 symbols to represent the remaining values. As base99 conversion system would require 99 unique characters to repr...
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