If you are reading this blog then probably you are facing the same issue that I had faced, i.e., how to import the sql-dump-file in the mysql where size of the sql-dump-file exceeds the maximum file size limit of phpMyAdmin. I was having a sql-dump-file (got from client) that I need to import on my local database in mysql. The file size was 186 MB while the maximum size limit of phpMyAdmin was 8 MB. A BiG PrObLeM! Then I searched on Google and found that, there are few tricks available to achieve this. Most of them are related to modifying the php.ini file as given below: Increase the upload_max_filesize limit. Increase the post_max_size limit. Increase the memory_limit limit. Though you can not go beyond 128M. I tried it all. Unfortunately none of them worked for me. But fortunately, I had the full access of my server. So I did it via command-prompt. It is so simple and smooth, if you put all the paths correctly. Let's see the process to solve our problem. Step...
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