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Showing posts from November, 2010

Batch File - Bulk Renamer

Below is the batch-file code to systematically rename all the files present in the folder according to the given condition. .: C.O.D.E :. @echo off&set /a cnt=0 for %%a in (*.jpeg) do call :PROCESS "%%a" goto :EOF :PROCESS rename %1 "IMG_%cnt%.jpg" set /a cnt+=1 .: S.T.E.P.S :. Step-1 : Open a Notepad. Step-2 : Copy the above code and paste it in Notepad. Step-3 : Save the file as "bulk_renamer.bat" . Step-4 : Put the  bulk_renamer.bat file inside the folder that is having the files which needs to be renamed. Step-5 : Run the  bulk_renamer.bat file by double clicking on it. Note: This batch-file should be present inside the folder where rest of the files that needs to be renamed are present. Remark: Modify the script and condition as per your requirement.