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Showing posts from October, 2010

Naming Conventions for common Team's File

Earlier, I'd posted an article  Naming Conventions for Flash Designers . In continuation of that idea, here is another efficient way of doing the say job. According to this method of naming convention, let us first understand how to make a tag. The tag can be created as <name-intials><number-of-times> .  Here name-initials contains the initials of the user's name and number-of-times contains the number of times the user has worked on that file. For example,  AK1 for Abhishek Kumar worked for first time, DC5 for Dulani Chandni worked for fifth time, etc. Now the creater first creates a file and name it as per the tag creation rule. Then another person works over the same file and he'd suffix his tag in the name of that file. Again the creater re-works over that file. This time creater would increment the number-of-times part in his tag-initials. Similarly any other person who'll work on this file will suffix his tag in the filename. So, the filename w...

Code of Ethics from Superstitious Beliefs!

Have you ever wondered how normal events turn into superstition or moral codes? Here is a short story by Paramahamsa Nithyananda . In an ashram in India, its master used to hold his puja worship every morning. Now, the master had a pet cat. The cat was very curious and used to jump and play around. It got in the way of the master and his disciples during the daily worship. It never allowed them to finish their worship peacefully. Gradually the cat, in all its playfulness, became a big nuisance. The master had grown quite fond of the cat and did not want to get rid of it. Since he did not want his daily worship disturbed, he asked his disciples to cover the cat with a basket before he began the worship. That day, the worship was peaceful. The master asked his disciples to continue the same way next day. Covering the cat with a basket during their daily worship soon became a part of their routine. Unexpectedly one day the master died. The disciples continued the tradition estab...

AS3: Override in Actionscript 3

To understand the working of override keyword in Actionscript 3, follow the article. Create a blank .fla file and name it Main.fla . Then fill in  Document class input box, by typing  Main  in it . This will connect the file with the  Main.fla file. package {   import flash.display.MovieClip;   /**    * ...    * @author Abhishek Kumar    */   public class main extends MovieClip   {     public function main()     {       var oBase:CBase = new CBase();       oBase.method();       var oChild:CChild = new CChild();       oChild.method();       var oClone:CBase = oChild as CBase;       oClone.method();     }   } } package {   public class CBase  ...